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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris - Conversation

Spend our holiday

            After final exam in our school, we have a plan to spend our holiday to go to the tourism place. Five my friends (Jane, Bella, Jamie, Brain, and Jacob) also I are talking about our holiday in the cafeteria..
Me       : hey, we have along holidays, have you some opinion to spend our holiday?
Jami    : how about dragon canyon, there is a wonder full tourism place that I’ve ever visited, could you go there?
Bella   : dragon canyon?? I know that but I’m rarely interesting that place, I think dufan, how?
Jacob : ohh nooooooo….. I disagree, it’s a just a park with usual playing, and also if the holiday time, there are so many people visit there, right how about staying in the village some days and we book a hotel to stay in there? (showing the catalog?
Jane   : noo… it’s so expensive place because we have spend our money a lot, please to think the cheep place that give different experience, where no much people have known.
Brain : Bravo, I agree with that, besides we get more experience we also manage our money well.
Me       : ooooo  good idea, oke start to think righ now!
Time is running…… we’re thinking with drinks our ordered before…
Jamie : raja ampat
Bella               : pulau tidung
Jane               : parangkritis
Jacob             : nooooo…  baliiiii…  how?
Brain   : Curug Cilember that is an excellent natural view, also has a high water fall. How? That can make an unforgettable moment, it is very cheep about eight hundred till ten hundred. So? (rise his shoulder)  
Me                   : agree… how about you all?( through to jane, bella, andJacob)
They said : we agree..
            So we start to plane everything that time.

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